CheerUp Changelog
Version 8.1.0 June 6, 2024
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to latest version with new security fixes.
- Better algorithm for preloading an image on homepage.
- Auto-set correct page template for WPBakery on save.
- Few PHP deprecations under PHP 8.3 in admin area.
- Slider block in WPBakery Page Builder not working properly
- Lazyload JS conflicting with some site optimizers when disabled.
Version 8.0.0 February 11, 2024
- Massive Performance and Core Web Vitals improvements.
- Enhancements for WordPress 6.4+, fully tested with latest 6.4.3.
- New: One-click automatic updates.
- Latest WooCommerce compatibility.
- PHP 8.2 compatibility testing and fixes. PHP 8.3 with beta status.
- New social share services to all post share button areas.
- LinkedIn, Twitch, Reddit, Tiktok, Telegram, WhatsApp to social follow widget.
- TikTok, WhatsApp, Discord, Reddit, Twitch, Telegram social profiles options.
- New X logo to replace the old twitter logo and updated Youtube icon.
- System font stack options.
- Dynamic tags such as {year} and more for footer copyright.
- Support for default tables alongside stripes.
- Option to skip lazy load of first N images on archives and home for LCP.
- Auto-preload the first large image to improve LCP.
- CSS-based parallax option for creative single featured image for performance.
- Several social icon options are now sortable now.
- Pagination function for compatibility with 3rd party plugins.
- Removed outdated social services like Google+.
- Conditional loading of multiple JS libraries and reduced dependencies.
- Reduced JS and CSS by removing for outdated browsers.
- Auto-excerpt function to many blocks such as embeds links.
- Lazyload scripts and algorithm updated for better core web vitals.
- Sliders and featuerd grids optimized for mobile performance.
- Color options in many areas of Live Customizer.
- Disabled lazyload on single post featured image for LCP performance.
- Changed mega menu pagination to AJAX for performance.
- Related posts queries.
- LazyLoad for WP Recipe Maker print functionality.
- Archives breadcrumbs when paginated.
- Animations re-added for mega menu, load more etc.
- Improved feat grid animations fluidity.
- Performance for low-end mobile devices.
- Lazy render some components for performance.
- Removed deprecated social follow networks.
- Demo importer for faster imports.
- Several post editor blocks styling improved in the backend.
- Added social sharing options top for magazine post style.
- WPBakery Gutenberg block now uses same styling as single post.
- Header logos have dimensions now and footer logos are lazy loaded.
- CTA widget images are not lazy loaded if possible.
- Demo Importer on sites in maintenance or password protected.
- Social icons being converted when adding pinit save from WP Recipe plugin.
- Custom added font names become invisible in Customizer.
- Customizer setting for Social share on single not working properly.
- Lightbox gallery popup on the new in-post and JetPack galleries.
- Possible infinite loops in VC when using in a dev environment.
- Customizer not loading when using a Windows servers.
- Missing page number in Breadcrumbs on archives.
- First gallery as slider for gallery post format in new editor.
- Large quote style not available with WP 6+.
- Custom max height on CTA widget in Chrome.
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version for security.
Version 7.8.0 May 26, 2022
- WordPress 6.0+ compatibility improvements.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- WordPress 6.0 Notice when WP_DEBUG is enabled.
Version 7.7.0 January 27, 2022
- WordPress 5.9+ compatibility and improvements.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- Post Editor issues on WordPress 5.9.
Version 7.6.1 July 20, 2021
- WordPress 5.8+ compatibility improvements.
- Bunyad AMP: Path suffix /amp/ support option for URLs.
- Bunyad AMP: Now includes hero image CLS optimizations.
- Bunyad AMP: Updated to latest official specs.
- Parallax Bug in Safari v14+.
- Gutenberg styling issues in the backend.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
Version 7.6.0 June 21, 2021
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- WooCommerce v5.4+ compatibility.
- A few visual issues in Gutenberg backend editor.
- JS error in dev console about posts carousel visibility.
Version 7.5.2 March 22, 2021
- WordPress 5.7 compatibility.
Version 7.5.2 December 20, 2020
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- Backend styling of quotes blocks in WP v5.6+.
- Missing WPBakery Pagebuilder button in Gutenberg.
Version 7.5.0 November 23, 2020
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- WooCommerce v4.7+ compatibility.
- Performance on Mobile.
- Posts carousel performance.
- WPBakery Page Builder equal height columns.
Version 7.4.2 October 26, 2020
- Updated: Bunyad Instagram Plugin.
- Instagram Images issue when using the API / Token.
Version 7.4.0 October 10, 2020
- Security: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- Manual Count support for Social Follow.
- Customizer input performance.
- Shortcode support in Featured Audio/Video option.
- Social Icons options for Bold Light footer.
Version 7.3.1 August 20, 2020
- Aspect Ratio of images in Instagram Widget in AMP.
- Yoast Breadcrumbs to work with latest updates.
- Post Likes / Heart feature conflict on some installs.
Version 7.3.0 August 13, 2020
- Full WordPress 5.5 Compatibility.
- Custom line-height support for editor blocks.
- Native lazyload enhancement in 5.5.
- New editor changes in 5.5 styled properly.
- Quotes styling for WP 5.5 Editor.
- Headings and text styles for WP 5.5 Editor.
- WP 5.5 Editor alignment of images, groups and other blocks.
- Latest Chrome subtle gray line on next/prev.
- Autoptimize critical css addon issues when using deferred CSS method.
Version 7.2.0 June 30, 2020
- Jump to recipe option in post meta.
- WP Recipe Maker Compatibility and Styling.
- Card Style for Grid Post listings.
- Styling and color options in several areas.
- Adjust spacing between posts for grid and large.
- Options to style category overlay labels.
- Custom ratio setting for large and single featured image.
- Excerpt option for grid listings even when not using page builder.
- Boxed widgets styling options.
- Single page typography for heading tags.
- Option to set max height on CTA widget.
- Translations support for some strings not updated in customizer.
- Gutenberg columns in mobile view.
- Backend Editor reflects text sizes adjusted in Customizer.
- Opacity and BG Color setting for most Sliders.
- Updated and tested with WooCommerce v4.2.
- Instagram widget not saving sometimes from Widget screen.
- Cat Overlay now centered for centered grids.
- Conflict with Customizer Import / Export plugin.
- Firefox ESR image rendering.
- Title tag added to bg images if no alt.
- WPBakery Text Widget custom CSS classes.
- 0 values in customizer sometimes not applying.
- Text labels setting for post meta.
- Custom image ratios not always working.
- Breadcrumbs HTML validation.
- WPBakery conflict with aggressive lazyload.
- Updated: WPBakery page builder to latest version.
- Updated: Bunyad AMP with the latest AMP official updates.
Version 7.1.0 April 2, 2020
- Fully Compatible with WordPress 5.4.
- Gutenberg Buttons Block outline style.
- Gutenberg Social Buttons & Posts Widget styles.
- Gutenberg styling in the backend and for grouped blocks.
- Compatibility with SG Optimizer plugin's lazyload.
- Gutenberg list, images, blocks in backend.
- Several blocks optimized in backend for WordPress 5.4.
- Customizer settings apply better in Editor/backend.
- Mega Menu option double render in WordPress 5.4.
- Generate Token button not working in Customizer.
- 3rd Party Pinterest Widgets taking over share button.
- Updated: Bunyad AMP with changes from latest official AMP.
Version 7.0.4 February 26, 2020
- New Instagram API Integration. A new token has to be generated.
- Images selection on 1x devices.
- Image loading on old browsers.
- Breadcrumbs for Custom Post Type archives.
- Read time calculation for Cyrillic and other languages.
- Topbar background customization on some headers.
- v7 migrator for typography and fonts.
- Header JS error if sticky bar and nav missing.
- Bunyad Instagram Widget updated.
Version 7.0 January 22, 2020
- IMPORTANT: This is a major update. Read before updating:
- Major rewrite for modern times, maintaining legacy compatibility.
- New Default Demo for 2020.
- Massive Improvement to Image System. Only 3 extra images generated by theme.
- Up to 50% Performance Boost on all metrics on frontend and backend.
- Customizer Overhaul - new UX with instant apply of most style settings.
- New Adaptive Image System for best performance.
- Adjust image ratios / heights for blocks.
- Set custom layout width and padding.
- Full PHP 7.4 compatibility.
- Enable/disable & rearrange Post Meta items globally or by listing style.
- Breadcrumbs + Schema and Yoast Breadcrumbs support.
- Native lazyload for in-post images and iframes.
- Reading Time item for post meta.
- Option to use last modified date in post meta.
- Several new customization options for header and navigation.
- Support for font-display: swap/others for Performance.
- Compatibility for WebP Express plugin in Customizer > Performance.
- JetPack Site Accelerator compatibility.
- Left/right/wide and full alignment support for all Embeds.
- 3 new sidebar widget heading styles.
- Home Carousel multiple heading styles.
- Styling and support for captions in all Embed services.
- Gutenberg first gallery slider support for Gallery post format.
- Hundreds of Typography customization options.
- Icons file reduced from 90kb to 10kb for performance.
- Skins CSS file size decreased for all skins.
- Spacing on all Gutenberg blocks.
- Styling on all embed blocks in Gutenberg.
- Accessibility and color contrast in several areas.
- Demo import in all areas including speed.
- Highlights and News block image sizes.
- Tablet layout now a bit wider in-line with newer devices.
- Hundreds of new settings in Customizer for extreme flexibility.
- 7 New Featured Grids (and Sliders) with container or full width and overlay styles.
- Bunyad AMP Updated with latest official AMP updates.
- Several minor CSS fixes and improvements.
- WPBakery Page Builder updated to latest version.
Version 6.1.5 January 5, 2020
- Sphere Core plugin updated with several improvements.
- Call to Action widget issues with latest WordPress.
Version 6.1.4 November 16, 2019
- Optimized for WordPress v5.3+
- Full WooCommerce v3.8 support.
- Updated Bunyad AMP v1.4.1 with official AMP changes and fixes.
- Group block support in editor.
- Cover block nested blocks support in editor.
- Galleries in backend and caption support.
Version 6.1.2 August 27, 2019
- Bunyad Widget for Instagram plugin has support for API Access Token now to counter recent changes from Instagram.
- Improved metaboxes save performance.
- Mixed Instagram image dimensions when using Access Key method.
- "Show Featured Area" option not working for updates from old version.
- Last VC block margins.
- About image ratio on IE11.
Version 6.1.0 August 21, 2019
- Improvements for latest changes in Gutenberg.
- Bunyad Instagram plugin with improved performance.
- AMP plugin features with major update.
- Email to replace Google+ share.
- Ability to enable/disable AMP per post/page.
- Gutenberg galleries spacing & alignment.
- Devs hook 'wp_body_open' added for v5.2+.
- Twitter share links for the new twitter.
- Quotes and apostrophes encoded in social share.
- Post meta alignment in spacious full-width magazine style.
- Updated WooCommerce templates to latest.
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
Version 6.0.3 March 18, 2019
- Minor styling fixes.
- PHP notice fix for local development.
Version 6.0.3 December 6th, 2018
- Bunyad AMP updated for Gutenberg v4.6+.
- Further Gutenberg backend improvement.
- WPBakery Page Builder Updated to 5.6 for WordPress v5.0+
- Changes to allow main file overrides via child theme.
Version 6.0.2 November 23rd, 2018
- Improved styles for dropcaps on Edge browser.
- Updated Bunyad AMP.
- Columns bit quirky, and other issues with Gutenberg v4.5.1.
- AMP issue at hosts using outdated 10 year old libxml library.
- Slider post count issue when set via page options.
Version 6.0.0 November 19th, 2018
- New Lifestyle Demo for blogs and magazines.
- AMP Support Added - with look maintained as normal responsive.
- Full Gutenberg Styling and WordPress v5.0 support.
- Spacious - a dynamic look option for all post layouts.
- New Header Style: Header 10.
- New Footer Style: Bold Light.
- New slider block in pagebuilder.
- Grid style option for blocks.
- New styles and options for Floating Social Share.
- Full-screen Search Modal option for header 5, 8, 9, 10.
- A classic Author box style option.
- VK, LinkedIn, Tumblr for Floating Share.
- New style option for floating share.
- Heading color option for page-builder blocks.
- Enable/disable counters on large posts widget.
- Enable/disable image on posts widget.
- Option to make logo use an H1 on home.
- Compatibility and styling for all core WordPress 5.0 blocks.
- Set excerpt length for blocks - grid, list.
- Design tab in builder blocks for spacing adjustments.
- Gutenberg Galleries with all options supported.
- Blocks in Gutenberg - alignwide/alignfull support (in full width).
- Smart sticky performance for several headers.
- Custom Google fonts no longer use @import.
- Smarter Sticky Social Share.
- Images aligned left/right wider on mobile.
- Dynamic full width spacing and styling.
- Skin fonts only loaded when needed.
- WPBakery front-end editor view.
- Parallax performance with updated lib.
- Backend editor styling.
- Miranda skin default fonts optimized.
- Lazyload even with missing srcset.
- CTA widget blurry on Windows 1x displays.
- Pinterest hover in Gutenberg.
- Facebook follow counter requiring FB app approval.
- Redundant defaults saved in options.
- Parallax issue on Edge 17.
- Multiple Load More on same page for some webhosts.
- Some typography & color options not affecting skins.
- Jetpack comment subscribe boxes.
- Cleanup: Outdated placeholder and tooltip JS.
- Updated WooCommerce template files for v3.5.x.
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
- Several new options and hundreds of CSS improvements.
Version 5.1.0 May 26th, 2018
- New GDPR Guide in documentation.
- New Self-Hosted Google Fonts plugin.
- New Consent Popup for Mailchimp plugin for subscribe widgets.
- Compatibility for WP v4.9.6 Privacy page.
- Consent for comment forms with WordPress v4.9.6.
- WooCommerce 3.4 compatibility.
- Shortcode support to header ads.
- Pinterest sharing now uses post title for description.
- No IP logging for "Likes" anymore.
- Comment form on mobile devices.
- Load More on Classic listings.
- Instagram followers counters.
- Author box social icons in profile edit.
- WPBakery Page Builder updated to latest version.
Version 5.0.1 March 8th, 2018
- WooCommerce v3.3.1 mobile layout.
- Text widget style for lists & headings.
- Post format icon alignment on latest VC.
Version 5.0.0 February 4, 2018
- New Fashion demo with extra chic look and feel.
- New Fitness demo featuring a sleek and smart look.
- New Mom / Parenting demo - a vibrant style for moms.
- Feature: Beautiful Fashion slider with modern animations.
- Feature: Stylish Large post style: Half Overlay.
- Feature: Enable/disable VC page title.
- Posts Carousel design with few new settings.
- Mobile spacing of header/slider for several styles.
- Smarter Next/Previous to appear at right time.
- Design of List Style 2 on larger smartphones.
- VC responsive column control enabled.
- List post meta incorrectly using global settings.
- Sticky header issues on some devices.
- Load More for list block when masonry is active.
- Feature: Footer copyright shortcodes supports.
- Feature: WooCommerce v3.3 compatibility and fixes.
- Feature: Compatibility with upcoming Autoptimize version.
- Feature: More options to show/hide meta in posts widget.
- 50+ design and 8+ performance improvements.
- WPBakery Page Builder updated to latest version.
Version 4.0.3 December 11, 2017
- Lazyload mechanism for slower networks.
- Typography customization issues on WordPress 4.9.1+.
Version 4.0.2 November 17, 2017
- WordPress 4.9 compatibility improved.
- WooCommerce affiliate products button.
- Autoptimize performance when activated.
- Updates for integrated plugins.
- Parallax issues on some iOS devices.
- Load More for masonry posts.
- TGMPA warning on plugin updates.
- Notice for Endurance Cache plugin.
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version.
Version 4.0.0 July 20, 2017
- New Bold Blog Demo & Skin.
- Feature: Bold Slider with smooth Parallax effect.
- Feature: New Header Layout - Simple Modern Header.
- Feature: New Footer Layout - Bold Footer.
- Feature: Creative Large Post Style with Parallax.
- Feature: Performance - Custom Optimized Lazyload images.
- Post Format icons in listings: Video, Gallery.
- Option to generate further images for loading speed.
- Configure related images number.
- 3 Column and 2 Column Related Posts.
- Circular image option for about widget.
- Limit slider to show posts by specific IDs.
- Slide/Fade animation option for large sliders.
- Speed optimization guide in documentation.
- Subscribe widget for the footer area.
- Comments on mobile.
- TypeKit loader async for performance.
- Masonry "Load More" for better aesthetics.
- Demos on HTTPS now for imports on HTTPs sites.
- Example Child Theme updated for efficiency.
- Jetpack compatibility for social sharing.
- Feature: Creative "Next/Previous" navigation for article/Previous.
- Feature: Pinterest on mouse over to images with options.
- Feature: Floating/sticky sharing buttons on post pages.
- Feature: Posts Slider widget for the sidebar.
- Feature: Latest Tweets widget for footer & sidebar.
- Feature: Loading Speed optimizations & Autoptimize compatibility.
- Feature: Sliders Parallax effect option.
- Feature: A full-width gallery slider for post format Gallery.
- Feature: Alternate style for popular posts Carousel at Home.
- CSS Tweaks and improvements in over 60 areas.
Version 3.0.1 April 13, 2017
- Updated Visual Composer to latest version.
- WooCommerce 3.0 Support.
- Image zoom on product pages.
- Slider for images on product pages.
Version 3.0 March 24, 2017
- NEW SKIN & DEMO: Magazine.
- Feature: Visual Composer support with blocks for Magazine.
- Feature: New Grid Slider.
- Feature: New Header Style 8 - Compact Header.
- Feature: New Footer Layout - Classic Magazine.
- Feature: New Post Style - Magazine.
- Smart Sticky for topbar/nav - sticky only when scrolling up.
- Post Meta Style C.
- Widgets in all dark footers.
- Performance - customizations are better cached now.
- Feature: 3 new homepage blocks.
- Feature: Load More AJAX pagination on home blocks.
- Feature: Numbered AJAX pagiantion on home blocks.
- Feature: New Social Media with Counters widget.
- Feature: Large posts style for posts widget.
- Fixed few minor CSS issues.
Version 2.2.2 November 22, 2016
- Feature: Added WPML multi-lingual compatibility.
- Feature: Secondary topbar navigation support in Header Style 5.
- Social Icon on Header Style 7.
- Post cover layout on mobile devices.
- Large slider not affected by font change in some skins.
- Footer social icons for stylish alt.
- Text widget color in dark footer on skins.
- Added two missing translation strings.
Version 2.2.1 October 9, 2016
- Grid posts title font settings.
- Category descriptions support.
- Post editor fonts and styling for skins.
- Ad widget code stripping for non-admins.
Version 2.2 October 2, 2016
- NEW SKIN & DEMO Beautiful Travel Skin & Demo.
- FEATURE: New Stylish Alt Footer Style.
- FEATURE: New Header Style 7 with Parallax.
- FEATURE: A new stylish Carousel Slider.
- FEATURE: Grid meta style can be different from global.
- FEATURE: Limit by tag on posts widget.
- More than 3 widgets in footer properly spaced.
- Category widget hierarchy display design.
- Most liked sorting for posts widget in some environments.
- Rovella slider empty slide with more than 6 posts.
- Show category setting in posts widget for non-alt style.
Version 2.1 September 10, 2016
- NEW SKIN & DEMO - Rovella
- FEATURE: Post "List Style 2" - a new listing style.
- FEATURE: Header Style 6.
- FEATURE: Stylish Dark Footer Style.
- FEATURE: Alternate Posts Widget style.
- FEATURE: A new slider named Grid Slider.
- Rovella in demo importer.
- Several new color options.
- Typography settings not affecting some parts of skins.
- Custom CSS not reflecting properly in live preview when using custom fonts.
- Comment count setting for meta style 2.
- FEATURE: Options to show/hide elements in post footer.
- FEATURE: "Home Page" page template for when using static home.
Version 2.0 August 21, 2016
- * FEATURE: Lifestyle (nickname Miranda) Demo.
- * FEATURE: Gorgeous Full-width slider.
- * FEATURE: A new Footer layout option.
- * FEATURE: Header Style 5 with posts ticker & social.
- * FEATURE: Alternate grid posts style.
- * FEATURE: Alternate style for large posts.
- * FEATURE: Masonry feature for grid listings.
- * FEATURE: Alternate meta style for listings.
- * FEATURE: Numbered Pagination style option.
- * FEATURE: Lifestyle skin.
- * Updated: Instagram icon with latest FontAwesome.
- * Fixed: Nested comments.
Version 1.1 August 8, 2016
- * FEATURE: Added an Easy Demo Importer.
- * Updated documentation on Mega Menu.
- * Fixed a vague checkbox for menus.